what is gsm in hindi || What is CDMA || Difference between gsm and cdma ||


Global System for Mobile communication technology having 80% mobile phone use Telecommunications Standards Institute (t! digital cellular networks for mobile phones. GSM MHz to 1800 MHz based on Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Subscriber Identification Module (SIM)-a tiny chip that give
inwards Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for second
SM) is world's most widely used cell phone
nard developed by the European cols for second generation (2G)
Frequency ranges from 900
e Access (TDMA) technology. GSM users require lp that gives a cellular device its unique phone


phone technology to GSM, CDMA
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is an alternative cell phone technology 10 uses a "broad
d broad-spectrum" electromagnetic waves for signaling with wider bandwidth. This allows multiple people on multiple cell phones over the same channel to share a band frequencies. In CDMA technology, data and voice packets are separated using codes on transmitted using a wide frequency range.


3G is the third generation of Wireless & Mobile technologies. It comes with enhancements over previous wireless technologies, like high-speed transmission, advanced multimedia access and global roaming. 3G is mostly used with mobile phones and handsets as a means to connect the phone to the Internet or other IP networks in order to make voice and video calls, to download and upload data and to surf the net.


 4G is fourth-generation of wireless service, which refers to the next wave of high-speed mobile technologies that will be used to replace current 3G networks. The 4G wireless network is next step of 3G, available in limited countries and areas. The 4G is convergence of wired and wireless networks, wireless technologies including GSM, WLAN and Bluetooth as well as computers, communication devices and others. It is also called MAGIC, which stands for Mobile-Multimedia, Any-where, Global Mobility solutions over Integrated wireless and Customized services. It is Ipbased integrated system capable to provide 100Mbps speed offering IP telephony, Broadband
Internet Access, HDTV streamed multimedia access etc.

* WLL (Wireless Local Loop)

In traditional telephone networks, phone would be connected to the nearest exchange through a pair of copper wires. Wireless local loop (WLL) technology simply means that the subscriber is connected to the nearest telephone exchange through a radio link instead of copper wires. WLL is more reliable and enhanced technology and offers high quality data transmission, signaling
services and better bandwidth than traditional telephone system.

 Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)

Wi-Fi is a very common wireless technology that was developed in the 1990s. It is used to connect machines in a Local Area Network (LAN). SO, Wi-Fi is like a wireless version of Ethernet. Wi-Fi allows 54 Mbps speed up to 300 feet.
Network Security: In the modern age of networked information system, computers are not only capable of storing and processing data, but also delivering it on the globe. But, this increase connectivity of information’s brought some risk of privacy, theft and misuse of information. Information and Network security commonly refers the protection of data and network from various threats. It covers the following
Confidentiality: Protection against unauthorized access. Integrity: Protected against unauthorized modification. Authentication: Identification of authorized user.

  WLL (Wireless Local Loop) || Wireless Fidelity in hindi
  What is 4GL in hindi ||

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