What is open source software in hindi || Open Source Software In Hindi Notes

                                                                                                                                                                                              Open Source Software  / ओपन सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर  
ओपन सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर एक सॉफ्टवेयर है जो उपयोग करने के लिए स्वत्रंत है और इसे बनाने के लिए उपयोग किये जाने वाले मूल स्त्रोत कोड प्रदान करता है  कि उन्नत उपयोगकर्ता इसे संशोधित कर सके ताकि यह उनके लिए बेहतर काम कर सके

1 openoffice org 
2 mozilla firefox
3 linux
4 ubuntu

प्रोप्राइटरी सॉफ्टवेयर    / Propriety Software 

मालिकाना सॉफ्टवेयर का मतलब है की सॉफ्टवेयर बिकसित करने वाली  कंपनी सॉफ्टवेयर का मालिक है औरइसे  कोई  भी उस कंपनी की अनुमति के बिना इसे डुप्लीकेट या बितरित नही के सकता है

Open Source Software In Hindi Notes
Open Source Software Meaning In Hindi
Open Source Software Definition In Hindi
Open Source Based Software In Hindi
Open Source Software Platform In Hindi
Open Source Software List In Hindi
Open Source Software Examples In Hindi
Free Open Source Software In Hindi
Library Open Source Software In Hindi

 Open Source Software Definition In Hindi


You all have worked on various types of Software of different category-

Operating System (Windows XP, Windows 7 etc.)

Office Suits (MS Office, Lotus etc.)

Computer Games Software etc.

You can not change their features because they all are Proprietary Software i.e. they are intellectual property of any developer or organization and source code is also not given.

But some Software comes with their source code and allow us to make any type of change without taking permission of the developer….. Since you are already licensed to do this. These category of

          software are called Open Source Software (OSS).


Free Software

Free Software are those which are freely accessible, freely used, changed, improved, copied and distributed. It provides all types of freedom.

‘Free’ means ‘Freedom’ at very little or No cost.

Source Code is also available with Free Software.

As per definition given by Richard Stallman of Free Software Foundation, Free Software should have the following freedom-

Freedom 0: Run the program for any purpose.

Freedom 1: Study and change the program as per need.

Freedom 2: Redistribute copies to others.

Freedom 3: Improve the program and release new version for community benefits.

Later on, the term ‘Free Software’ is known as Free/Liberal Open Source Software (FLOSS) or FOSS.

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Open Source Software (OSS)

Open Source Software can be freely used, changed, improved, copied and Redistributed but it may have some cost for the media and support for further development.

Source Code is also available with OSS. It can be modified and redistributed with some guidelines of the License called GPL (General Public License).

The License may restrict source-code from being distributed and modification to maintain the Author’s integrity.

Any change requires different code name and version number from the Licensing organization or Developer.

A software which is FREE as well as OPEN, called Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) or Free Libre & Open Source Software (FLOSS).

Other Categories of Software

Proprietary Software:

These Software are neither open nor freely available. They must have some cost and Source code is also not given since it is property of the developer organization. No change, copy and distribution is allowed.

Freeware: /Free Software

These are available free of cost. They can be used, copied, distributed but no modification is  allowed because Source Code is not available.


These software are freely used, copied and  distributed for a certain period of time. After expiry, you have to purchase or uninstall them. Modification is not possible due to non-availability of the source code. These are the Demo version and freely distributed for trial purpose.

Examples of OSS/Free Software

·         Operating Systems:

Linux , Ubuntu ,

Android – Smart Phone OS by Google,

Symbian- Smart Phone OS by Nokia

·         Graphics & Multimedia:

GIMP (Photo Editor S/w like Photoshop) ,

Blender (3D Modeling S/w), Songbird (iTunes S/w),

Audacity (Audio Editor and Mixer),

F-Spot (Photo Manager)

Office Software

OpenOffice.org (Office Suite like MS Office) , PDF Creator

Internet Related S/w

Apache Web Server

Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome (web Browser) Mozilla Thunderbird (e-mail client)

Programming Language & Development tool: Net Beans, Eclipse (Java IDE), MySQL (Database Management S/w) PHP, PERL, PYTHON, JAVA (Programming Languages)


Celestia (3D Space Simulator software)

          Wine (tool to run Windows based Software on Linux)

Examples of OSS/Free Software


Linux is Free & Open Source Operating System software. It is available with source code so that any one can use, modify and redistribute it. Originally it was developed by a Finnish University student Linus Torvalds in 1991. It comes in many flavors (editions) and is member of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python) group. It can be downloaded from www.linux.org


Apache is Open Source Web Server available for many OS platforms like Linux, Unix, Windows etc. It is developed by an open community of developers under the umbrella of Apache Software Foundation. It also a member of LAMP group and can be downloaded from www.apache.org


MySQL is most popular open source Relational Database System. It is muti-user, SQL based RDBMS developed under GNU-GPL. It works on many platforms like Linux, Mac, OS/2, Sun OS and MS Windows etc. and supports many programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Perl, PHP and Ruby etc. It is also part of LAMP and can be downloaded from www.mysql.com


Examples of OSS/Free Software


PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is widely used open source Web programming language to develop Dynamic web content and Server-side applications. PHP is similar to MS ASP/VB Script/JAVA Script and CGI/Perl languages. PHP allows compatibility with a large number of RDBMS like MySQL, Oracle, DB2 etc. and run on most of the OS including Linux, Unix, Windows and Mac. It is also a member of LAMP group and can be downloaded from www.php.net


Mozilla is free and very popular Web Application suit, originally developed by Netscape Communications Corporation. Now days, it is promoted by Mozilla Foundation. It includes various applications like-

Web Browser (Fire Fox)   2. E-mail Client (Thunder Bird)

3. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client 4. HTML Editor

Mozilla’s Firefox is very popular web browser and can be downloaded from www.mozilla.org


PostgreSQL is free Object Oriented database Server under the BSD-style License. It is alternative to Open source MySQL and works like Orcle, MS SQL Server and Sybase etc. it can be downloaded from www.postgresql.org

Examples of OSS/Free Software


Python is open-source Cross-platform programming language created by Guido Van Rossum in 1990 for Python Software Foundation. It is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux and Unix etc.


Tomcat is a collection of Server-side Applications (Servlet) developed under Apache Foundation. It can run independently or with any other web server to provide various functionalities like User authentication and security. It is bundled with Apache Server.

Java & NetBeans:

Java is open and platform independent programming language, most suited for developing web-based applications. It is developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems. NetBeans is an open IDE for writing and testing Java applications.

Bharat Operating System Solutions(BOSS):

BOSS is free Windows like Indian OS based on GNU/Linux developed by C-DAC and is available in various Indian Languages.

Examples of OSS/Free Software


OpenOffice or OpenOffice.org (OOo) is free office application suit like MS Office, developed under GPL and is available for MS Windows, Mac and UNIX-like OS.

OOo   is       based on      StarOffice    and    made open  source         by      Sun Microsystems. It is similar to MS Office software.

OOo Includes various components-

Write ( like MS Word)

Calc (like MS Excel)

Impress (like Power point)

Database (like MS Access)

HTML Editor (like MS Front Page)

Draw (Graphics Program like MS Paint)

Math (Mathematical Formula Editor)

OpenOffice can be freely downloaded from www.openoffice.org


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