Generation of computer in hindi || Computer generation hindi || First generation in computer hindi ||

First Generation-: 1946-1956Vacuumed Tube was used in first generation.
Storage capacity was limited (1KB – 4KB)
Slow processing (mili second)
High voltage Need
Large in size (5100 Feet)

Second Generation-: 1956-1963Transister were used in this generation.
Processing speed was faster
Smaller in size (51 Feet)
Input and output device was faster.

Third Generation-: 1964-1974“Integrated Circuit” (IC) was used in place of Transister
Processing speed is faster than second generation.
Mini Computer produces during this generation.
Storage capacity in measure of mega Byte.

Fourth Generation-: 1975-1990VLSI and Microprocessor used in this generation
Processing speed is very high (GB)
Very smaller size
Input & out put device was verstile (easy)

Fifth Generation-: 1990-till dateIntelligent ProcessingEasy Human computing
Computer will understand natural Language
They have artificial intelligence (AI)  

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