Network Protocols || What is Network Protocols || प्रोटोकॉल क्या होता है ? cbse ip 12th notes

Network Protocols:
Computer or Nodes in a network follow some set of rules of communication. These set of rules is called Network Protocols. “Network Protocols is a set of rules for communication which includes rules of how and when a device can send or receive the data and how it reaches its destination.” Some commonly used protocols are HTTP, TCP/IP, FTP and PPP etc. TCP/IP is a master protocol which comprises other protocols.

TCP/IP Protocol:
The Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) is most commonly used protocol to setup LAN, WAN, Internet and other similar networks.The TCP/IP Protocol Suite comprises 5 Layers including Physical media. Each layer is responsible for a well-defined task, and provides a well-defined service to the upper layers.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HTTP is used to transfer web pages and data files from one computer to another on the World Wide Web (WWW). When you visit a web site on Web Browser program like Fire Fox, your computer becomes HTTP Client which receives web pages and data from web server. This communication is governed by the HTTP Protocol.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FTP is used to transfer files from one computer to another on the Internet. Generally, it is used by Web Developer to upload web pages on the Web Hosting servers.

Point to Point Protocol (PPP)
It is a protocol used to establish a direct connection between two computers using Telephone lines. Before coming to ADSL Modems, most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use PPP to provide dial-up access for the Internet to their customers.

Network Protocols 
|| What is Network Protocols 
|| प्रोटोकॉल क्या होता है ?
 cbse ip 12th notes
Protocol definition?Define Protocols 

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